A boot on the necks of America-hating liberals.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

If I Had a Son

Why hasn't the New Rodian Panther Party put a bounty on Han's head?  Where are the Rodian versions of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton?  Why hasn't a politician stood up and made a speech on the floor of the Galactic Senate in a brown vest?

Monday, April 2, 2012

Congressional Black Caucus and Trayvon Martin

Black Caucus Seeks New Gun, Race Rules Post-Trayvon
Once again, Democrats are following the dictum, "Never let a crisis go to waste," in order to impose more unnecessary regulation on ordinary Americans.  As usual in any supposedly racial incident, the usual group of race-baiters in Congress, notably my own Congressman, Rep. Emanuel Cleaver III, is leading the charge, abetted by the nutjob Congresswoman from Houston, Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee.  I penned a nice letter to my Congressman this morning in the wake of this article.  I expect to see a form letter in lieu of an actual reply within a few days.  Here's what I had to say to Cleaver:
I see that in response to the shooting of Trayvon Martin in self-defense by the man he was attacking, the Congressional Black Caucus is doing the typical Democrat thing--pass unnecessary laws, unrelated to the actual incident, that would have made no difference if they had been in effect.  The facts are that George Zimmerman was being attacked by a 6'2" tall 170-pound football player--in other words, he was being attacked by someone almost exactly the same size as me, a 49-year old military veteran. Of course, Democrats typically believe it is much better that a victim die than for a potential victim to defend himself or herself.
In response to charges of racism, might I add that one of the most racist organizations in the country, by its very existence, is the Congressional Black Caucus.  Also, you could do a great service for race relations by telling the not-so-reverends Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson to keep their mouths shut once in a while.  Without racism, they have no reason to exist, which is why they (and the CBC) have a vested interest in keeping racism alive and well for as long as possible.
Here's a quote from the article that exemplifies the Democrat mindset:
And [Rep.] Wilson, who represents the district where Martin lived, is working on legislation to create a national commission "to study race-based injustices, health disparities and economic disparities affecting African American men and boys," in the words of the congresswoman. 
Of course!  We need another commission!  We don't have nearly enough people sucking off the government teat, and certainly not enough agencies dealing with the subjects she mentions.  There are already departments in nearly every federal agency to "study" that type of thing.

I've been sending every dollar I can possibly spare to Jacob Turk's campaign.  Turk is running against Cleaver, and I hope he is successful this year.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Carbonite Drops Sponsorship of Rush Limbaugh

I see that Carbonite's CEO has dropped its sponsorship of Rush Limbaugh's radio show because he didn't like Rush calling a slut a slut. Maybe that was a bit too much, and he should have called her what she really is...a lying sack of Shiite.  Here's more from Redstate.com:

I just sent an e-mail to Carbonite.  The only address I could find was legal@carbonite.com, so that's the one I used.  Here's what I had to say.

Your CEO's two-faced decision to drop advertising on the Rush Limbaugh show, while still continuing to advertise on the demented Ed Schulz's show, makes me glad I've never used Carbonite, and now never will.  My company uses and recommends a competitor's product, for which I am eternally grateful.  Obviously, he has never listened to the things Ed Schulz has said about conservative women such as Laura Ingraham.  David Friend mentioned having daughters the same age as Ms. Fluke.  Are they also 30-year-old lying "activitists" who enrolled in a Jesuit university under false pretenses so they could complain about not getting free stuff?  I highly doubt it.

Everyone should send these douche bags an e-mail. 

Friday, February 17, 2012

Upside-Down Land

I'm borrowing this from The Feral Irishman.

You know you live in Upside-down Land if...

• A Muslim officer crying "Allah Akbar" while shooting up an army base is considered to have committed "Workplace Violence" while an American citizen boasting a Ron Paul bumper sticker is classified as a "Domestic Terrorist".
You know you live in Upside-down Land if...
• Your government believes that the best way to eradicate trillions of dollars of debt is to spend more money.
You know you live in Upside-down Land if...
• A seven year old boy can be thrown out of school for calling his teacher "cute" but hosting a sexual exploration class on a college campus is perfectly acceptable.
You know you live in Upside-down Land if...
• The Supreme Court of the United States can rule that lower courts cannot display the 10 Commandments in their courtroom, while sitting in front of a display of the 10 Commandments.
You know you live in Upside-down Land if..
• Children are forcibly removed from parents who appropriately discipline them while children of "underprivileged" drug addicts are left to rot in filth infested cesspools.
You know you live in Upside-down Land if...
• Working class Americans pay for their own health care (and the health care of everyone else) while unmarried women are free to have child after child on the "State's" dime while never being held responsible for their own choices.
You know you live in Upside-down Land if...
• Hard work and success are rewarded with higher taxes and government intrusion, while slothful, lazy behavior is rewarded with EBT cards, WIC checks, Medicaid and subsidized housing.
You know you live in Upside-down Land if...
• The government's plan for getting people back to work is to provide 99 weeks of unemployment checks (to not work).
You know you live in Upside-down Land if...
• Being self-sufficient is considered a threat to the government.
You know you live in Upside-down Land if...
• Politicians think that stripping away the amendments to the constitution is really protecting the rights of the people.
You know you live in Upside-down Land if..
• The rights of the State come before the rights of the individual.
You know you live in Upside-down Land if...
• Parents believe the State is responsible for providing for their children.
You know you live in Upside-down Land if...
• You can write a post like this just by reading the news headlines.
You know you live in Upside-down Land if...
• You pay your mortgage faithfully, denying yourself the newest big screen TV while your neighbor defaults on his mortgage (while buying iphones, TV's and new cars) and the government forgives his debt and reduces his mortgage (with your tax dollars).
You know you live in Upside-down Land if...
• Your government can add anything they want to your kid's water (fluoride, chlorine, etc.) but you are not allowed to give them raw milk.
You know you live in Upside-down Land if...
• Being stripped of the ability to defend yourself makes you "safe".
You know you live in Upside-down Land if...
• You have to have your parents signature to go on a field trip but not to get an abortion.
You know you live in Upside-down Land if...
• You can get arrested for expired tags on your car but not for being in the country illegally.
You know you live in Upside-down Land if...
• Using the "N" word is considered "hate speech" but writing and signing songs about raping women and killing cops is considered "art".
Unfortunately, this list could go on and on. Our world has been turned upside-down. We are in distress. Where do we go from here?

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Obama to Increase Electric Car Subsidies

More WTF??? from our acting President.

Obama to Increase Electric Car Subsidies (at American Thinker)

Chevy Volts are already more expensive than most people can afford, even with the subsidy, so the only people who buy them are fairly wealthy people.  Subsidizing these cars means that we taxpayers get to help rich people buy them by paying part of the cost for them.  We were paying $7,500 of each car sold; now we get to pay $10,000. So how many of my friends and relatives want to chip in and donate $10,000 to help a wealthy person buy a car?  I know I don't, but Obama wants you to.  He must be completely ignorant of the fact that this money for subsidies comes either from our pockets, or it must be borrowed (usually from China) and left to our children and grandchildren to repay.