A boot on the necks of America-hating liberals.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Carbonite Drops Sponsorship of Rush Limbaugh

I see that Carbonite's CEO has dropped its sponsorship of Rush Limbaugh's radio show because he didn't like Rush calling a slut a slut. Maybe that was a bit too much, and he should have called her what she really is...a lying sack of Shiite.  Here's more from Redstate.com:

I just sent an e-mail to Carbonite.  The only address I could find was legal@carbonite.com, so that's the one I used.  Here's what I had to say.

Your CEO's two-faced decision to drop advertising on the Rush Limbaugh show, while still continuing to advertise on the demented Ed Schulz's show, makes me glad I've never used Carbonite, and now never will.  My company uses and recommends a competitor's product, for which I am eternally grateful.  Obviously, he has never listened to the things Ed Schulz has said about conservative women such as Laura Ingraham.  David Friend mentioned having daughters the same age as Ms. Fluke.  Are they also 30-year-old lying "activitists" who enrolled in a Jesuit university under false pretenses so they could complain about not getting free stuff?  I highly doubt it.

Everyone should send these douche bags an e-mail.