A boot on the necks of America-hating liberals.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Day 9 of the Marxist Occupation

The country is now in the hands of a Marxist radical President and a bunch of left-wing loonies who think personal responsibility and self-reliance are passé, and that we should follow, lemming-like, into the Socialist paradise where the government takes care of all needs.

I'm a Raytown resident, but I didn't vote for Barry Obama. The election results just go to show that Kansas City, MO, and the nearby surrounding areas are full of lazy people who are expecting Obama Christ to fulfill their dreams of free handouts.

He has started his regime in true dictatorial fashion, handing out more Executive Orders in one week than most Presidents sign in a year. Closing Gitmo, banning so-called "torture" of terrorists, and appearing on Al-Arabiya are all sops for the Muslim handlers of this Manchurian Candidate, those who donated millions in illegal contributions to his campaign.

President Obama has appointed one of the most crooked politicians ever as his Secretary of State, a tax cheat as his Secretary of the Treasury, and his Attorney General nominee, Eric Holder, thinks criminals and terroristic murderers should be pardoned, yet he invents as many reasons as possible to imprison law-abiding gun owners.

The only people who fear armed, law-abiding citizens are criminals and evil policitians. Which may explain why so many residents of this area voted for a candidate whose record shows he favors gun control measures--Obama supporters don't like their potential victims to be armed.

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