A boot on the necks of America-hating liberals.

Friday, April 22, 2011

What is the "Failsafe" Provision, Really?

According to a news article quoted earlier by BillyBob:

"A White House aide suggested the president's plan would save more than the committee claims in part because of a "failsafe" provision that would trigger additional spending cuts if debt reduction goals are not met. "

What we have here is further proof that the lying bastard in the White House lies, lies, and lies some more. He is a big, stinking, lying, sack of shit. This particular lie incenses me to no end, and should do the same for all you readers once you understand what President Pinhead is saying.

One way to lie is to use a new label to refer to an old idea and hope nobody realizes you're talking about something else. In his recent speeches, Obama referred to "decreasing expenditures in the tax code" and finding ways to "reduce spending in the tax code." There are no such things as "expenditures in the tax code" or "spending in the tax code." What he is referring to is money that isn't being taken in taxes! Any money citizens don't pay in taxes is considered an "expenditure" now in Obamathink. If tax rates are increased, then to Obozo, that's a smaller "expenditure in the tax code." This is such an Orwellian concept that it frightens me to think people are actually falling for it.

What this means is that he truly believes that all income earned by everyone in the country belongs to the government, and any that the government doesn't take in taxes should be considered an expenditure by the government. This idea is so completely backwards that it would boggle the mind if it were anyone else but our Marxist Community Organizer-in-Chief.

The true meaning of this fail-safe provision is that if spending goes over a certain limit, taxes will increase AUTOMATICALLY, without our representatives voting on it. And since when has spending ever NOT increased, especially with the liberal wrecking crew that's in charge of the executive branch and the Senate? We had a revolution 235 years ago over this type of crap.


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