A boot on the necks of America-hating liberals.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Kansas City Star Falls Farther

I read the Kansas City Falling Star daily just in case my blood pressure drops too low. I can always count on the paper to print something from its editors, columnists, syndicated sources, or readers that will make me angry enough to eat nails and excrete barbed wire. Today is no different.

First, we have a dimwit from Shawnee named Bill Emerson who thinks Rep. Lynn Jenkins (R-KS) should have voted in favor of the porcus maximus $819 billion dollar stimulus package because job seekers were lined up around the block for a job fair on Monday. The fact that the spendulus package would have done nothing to help those people didn't seem to impinge on his minuscule consciousness. Too bad Rep. Jenkins can't pay a visit to my Representative, Emanuel Cleaver II (D-MO) and one of my Senators, Claire McCaskill (D-MO), with a spike, a sledgehammer, and a funnel so she can knock a hole in their heads and pour in some good sense. Those two are so busy kissing Obama Christ's exalted ass that they can't be bothered to pay attention to their constituents.

Let's look at some of the ways the flaming liberals want to spend our tax dollars:

  1. $50 million for the National Endowment for the Arts. Obviously, jobless people need to spend their wasted days listening to bad foreign music and looking at the pornography that passes for liberal "art."
  2. $380 million for a rainy-day fund for the WIC program. How does this stimulate the economy?
  3. $300 million for a grant to combat violence against women. Yippee. I'd bet that 10 times or more money is spent combating violence against women than the other way around, yet numerous studies show that women initiate violence against men just as often, women are more likely to use objects as weapons, and women are more likely to inflict harm on men when they are vulnerable, such as when they are sleeping. Not to mention the little tidbit that most child abusers and child killers are women.
  4. $15 billion to expand the Pell Grant system. Pell Grants are good for education, but what stimulating effect does that have on the economy? Do colleges need to hire more professors? Don't tell me there are still more America-hating, '60s Marxist radical, Democrat-voting criminals who haven't yet received professorships at our universities!
  5. $5.2 billion for community-development block grants and "neighborhood stabilization activities." This is a reward for those organizations such as ACORN that helped Barry Barack Hussein Dunham Soetoro Obama get elected through any means necessary, including fraud and voter intimidation, nothing more.
  6. $6 billion for university building projects. This one might actually give a boost to the construction trades. What are the odds, though, that all the projects will be for the same Marxist drivel-spewing hate factories that supported our Dear Leader, and none for the few conservative institutions?
  7. $650 million for digital TV coupons and $90 million to educate people who might not have heard that their old TVs weren't going to work anymore. Give me just $5 million of that and I'll personally knock on every door in rural Appalachia to tell them. I'll have to learn to play the guitar first, so I can accompany those banjo-playing kids.
  8. $145 billion for tax rebate checks for people who don't pay any taxes, plus $83 billion for more Earned Income Credit--yet another tax handout to people who don't pay taxes.
  9. $7 billion for federal building renovation projects and new computers, made in the PRC, Taiwan, or Korea, in all likelyhood.
  10. $600 million to convert the fleet of cars owned by the Federal government to hybrids. It's a lot more cost-effective to drive the old ones until their wheels fall off, but that doesn't put any money into the UAW's pockets.
  11. $450 million for NASA, of which $200 million must be spent generating bogus research that supports the pre-determined bogus "climate change" nonsense, plus an additional $650 million for NOAA, again with a bunch of money that must be used for "climate modeling" research to produce results that agree with the global warming nutjobs' opinions.
  12. $1 billion for the Census, I guess so they can give people jobs counting other people.
  13. $89 billion for Medicaid extensions--supposedly temporary, but no doubt turning permanent.
  14. $36 billion for expanded unemployment benefits, despite solid evidence that shows that increasing unemployment benefits increases unemployment, simply because people wait until their benefits are about to run out before they start seriously looking for work.
  15. $87 billion for a new Coast Guard icebreaking ship. Why? I thought the ice caps were a goner. The Goracle says so!
  16. $4.5 billion for the Army Corps of Engineers, which already has $3.2 billion that it doesn't know what to do with!
  17. $7.6 billion for rural community advancement programs. I'm not sure what's being "advanced" by these billions of dollars, but it probably doesn't involve creating jobs. Places like Tarkington Prairie, TX and Freeman, MO are not exactly the job-creation hubs of the universe.
  18. $35.9 billion for various energy and energy-conservation projects, some of which include yet more money to be spent on falsifying climate-change research, buying hybrid cars for state and local governments, and a whole bunch of other "green" crap that has had billions thrown at it in the past and still doesn't work as well as good old oil and natural gas.
  19. Then we have the biggest loser of them all, the $79 billion State Fiscal Stabilization Fund. This is where the federal government takes money away from the smart people in those states that have budgeted wisely and gives it to the morons in states like California that have spent themselves into giant cash-swallowing holes by doing things like giving free health care to illegal immigrants. (Which our Dear Leader also wants the rest of us to do as indicated by his signing of the SCHIP bill--yet another crap sandwich he has fed us.)

Second (finally!), we have pinhead Don Witmer from Kansas City who takes offense with Rush Limbaugh's comment that he hopes Obama fails. Let's see, Obama wants to turn the United States into a Marxist one-party welfare state with the help of his fraud-abetting minions, weaken our military and our borders, destroy our ability to be self-reliant, take away the freedoms our forefathers specifically granted to us as individuals in Article 2 of the Bill of Rights, curtail freedom of speech on the radio, and eliminate the right to a secret ballot in the workplace. I HOPE HE FAILS IN ALL OF THOSE THINGS! Obama's failure would be the BEST thing that could happen to our country right now.

There is a bit of light and joy in the morning paper today, though. The Falling Star's parent company, McClatchy Co., is losing money hand over fist and the Falling Star is going to have its fourth round of job cuts since June. Maybe if they'd print more of my letters to the editor their readership would go up dramatically, since I'm obviously the greatest voice of reason in this metropolitan area. I'd hate to see them go out of business completely because our dogs need a place to dump when they're in the house.

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