A boot on the necks of America-hating liberals.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

My latest letter to Senator McCaskill

Sen. McCaskill:

You twittered: " Don't know when we're going to vote. Will the no votes delay vote just because they can? Speed is important. They know that."

The only reason speed is important is because you Democrats are trying to shove a crap sandwich of a bill down the American peoples' throats without giving anyone time to look at and oppose the bill. Even the Congressional Budget Office has said that doing NOTHING will have a more positive effect than this monstrosity of a bill. Why can't you and the new Axis of Evil (Pelosi, Obama, and Reid) just come out and tell the truth: "We need to pass this bill because we have to pay all the special interest groups that put us into power?" "We have to make sure ACORN and other community organizations have the funds they need to get a head start on their voter fraud activities for the 2010 and 2012 elections." Or how about, "We need to get this legislation passed quickly, so we can get on to the rest of our liberal agenda--reimplementing the 'assault weapon' ban that didn't ban any assault weapons; granting amnesty to millions of illegal aliens so we'll have more Democrat voters; implementing the 'Fairness Doctrine' to cement our current unfair advantage over the conservative media; and passing the 'Employee Free Choice Act' so we can take away employees' freedom of choice as a sop to our union puppet-masters." Democrats have sure mastered the art of Orwellian doublespeak!

Grow a spine and represent your constituents!

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