A boot on the necks of America-hating liberals.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Leopard's Spots Never Change

The Obama administration has already started showing its true colors with regard to firearms. Attorney General Holder states that he wants to reinstitute the Clinton "assault weapons" ban, citing increased violence in Mexico as one reason. There are so many things wrong with his reasoning that it's hard to know where to begin. First, the banned "assault weapons" are not assault weapons, they are SEMI-automatic weapons, incapable of automatic fire--they shoot one bullet for each pull of the trigger, and no more. They are no different from hunting rifles. Second, true assault weapons have been banned since the 1930s. They are very difficult to acquire and almost never used to commit crimes in the U.S. Any Mexican drug dealer carrying what Holder calls an "assault weapon" would be laughably outgunned. Third, Americans own over one million more of these semiautomatic weapons now than when Clinton first instituted the ban, yet our violent crime rate is significantly LOWER. This proposed ban has nothing to do with reducing crime, and everything to do with increasing our Socialist administration's power--tactics straight from Saul Alinsky.

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