A boot on the necks of America-hating liberals.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

No, He Can't

I ran across an essay worth reading this morning:
No, He Can't.

On a different note, the elementary school in Raytown that some of my children attend made everyone watch the Obama Deification ceremony on January 20. I don't recall the oldest one being forced to watch the Bush inauguration ceremony in January, 2005. Why were they forced to watch one, but not the other? I'm sure the answer would be, "But it's a historic moment!" To which my response would be, "Why is it any more historic than any other inauguration?" The expected reply: "But Obama's our first black President!" Ah, I get it now--racism! Hmmm...this is supposed to be the post-racial society now, but we're constantly bombarded with "Obama's the first black this, first black that, blah blah blah." Using the word "black" immediately makes the statement racist.

Our schools are trying to force the "green" crap down our childrens' throats, too. Don't get me wrong, I believe recycling, conserving energy, and all that are beneficial, especially because they cost less in the long run, but don't try to tie it in with Al Gore's global climate crisis nonsense. Last fall, one of my kids came home worried that the polar bears were all going to die because their ice floes were melting and would soon be gone. I noted a few weeks ago that the ice caps are back to their 1979 levels. Does anyone remember the impending Ice Age scares of the 1970s? I remember reading articles about ways to warm the planet, such as by spreading soot on the ice caps. Then the MMGW hysteria hit a few years ago, and the planet is now getting too hot! Except that it isn't, so they eco-terror-mongers have been forced to change the name of their fear tactic from "Global Warming" to "Climate Crisis." Personally, I'm hoping for a little more global warming. Kansas City is too darned cold in the winter for this Southeast Texas country boy. I have dreams of lemon and grapefruit orchards along the Missouri River between here and St. Louis.

Public schools have turned some classes into little more than left-wing radical indoctrination courses. This is not surprising, given how many left-wing nut jobs from the '60s and '70s are now on the faculties of our universities and in positions that develop curricula. The great Dr. Thomas Sowell wrote a timely article on deprogramming our children.

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